
How to Choose the Right Cornea, Refractive, & Anterior Segment Fellowship
So you want to do a fellowship – sounds simple, right? Not so fast! While location, setting, surgical volume, variety of procedures, and call are all important factors to consider, there are a lot of other variables at play. In this video, I cover the whole spectrum of Cornea, Refractive, & Anterior Segment fellowships and discuss helpful resources that may aid you in your personal fellowship search. Hopefully this helps you make the right decision – best of luck!

20 Lessons I Learned From 20 Years of Karate
This month marks the passing of my twentieth year of training in Shotokan karate. The following is a short and far from all-encompassing collection of thoughts that surfaced as I reminisced over this past year on where I am now relative to when I started training at the age of 7. Hopefully this will be of some aid to anyone early in their training years or looking for guidance. Feel free to share your thoughts as well! 1. Train hard, train often. A favorite refrain of my late Sensei is to “train hard and train often”. If you truly want…

How to Choose the Right Cornea, Refractive, & Anterior Segment Fellowship
So you want to do a fellowship – sounds simple, right? Not so fast! While location, setting, surgical volume, variety of procedures, and call are all important factors to consider, there are a lot of other variables at play. In this video, I cover the whole spectrum of Cornea, Refractive, & Anterior Segment fellowships and discuss helpful resources that may aid you in your personal fellowship search. Hopefully this helps you make the right decision – best of luck!

Oculomasticatory Myorhythmia
This article was originally co-authored on EyeWiki (AAO) with Dr. Karl C. Golnik (Professor and Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Eye Institute) on August 5th, 2016. Due to the nature of EyeWiki, revisions or edits can be made by other ophthalmologists, so for the most up to date version of this article, please visit the EyeWiki on Oculomasticatory Myorhythmia. Introduction Oculomasticatory myorhythmia (OMM) is a pathognomonic manifestation of Whipple’s disease of the central nervous system. It is characterized by smooth, continuous, slow (1-3 Hz), pendular, convergent-divergent nystagmus, concurrent contractions of the masticatory muscles, supranuclear…

20 Lessons I Learned From 20 Years of Karate
This month marks the passing of my twentieth year of training in Shotokan karate. The following is a short and far from all-encompassing collection of thoughts that surfaced as I reminisced over this past year on where I am now relative to when I started training at the age of 7. Hopefully this will be of some aid to anyone early in their training years or looking for guidance. Feel free to share your thoughts as well! 1. Train hard, train often. A favorite refrain of my late Sensei is to “train hard and train often”. If you truly want…

Power Through Softness
The concept of generating power through softness in martial arts is nothing new, but it is something that I personally feel is under-emphasized and not practiced enough in Shotokan karate. I am reminded of this concept from time to time when I notice students tensing up and stopping their techniques short of the end of the full range of motion, often in an effort to feel like they are generating power by making kime. Those who have trained for several years have probably witnessed karate-ka who are so intent on making kime that they prematurely arrest their punches, or pull them…