This article was originally co-authored on EyeWiki (AAO) with Dr. Karl C. Golnik (Professor and Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Eye Institute) on August 5th, 2016. Due to the nature of EyeWiki, revisions or edits can be made by other ophthalmologists, so for the most up to date version of this article, please visit the EyeWiki on Oculomasticatory Myorhythmia. Introduction Oculomasticatory myorhythmia (OMM) is a pathognomonic manifestation of Whipple’s disease of the central nervous system. It is characterized by smooth, continuous, slow (1-3 Hz), pendular, convergent-divergent nystagmus, concurrent contractions of the masticatory muscles, supranuclear…